Exploring with Watercolor
Griselda Healy#137.4 | Tue, 1:00PM - 3:30PM | Room A
Begins January 7 | $364| 10 weeks
Open for beginners and for those that already have an established watercolor art practice. Come with some ideas of how or what you like to paint. Different approaches will be discussed, and techniques demonstrated, glazing, color washes, dry brush, color mixing, and color relationships to name a few. Compositional options will also be explored. Students will discover different ways to use the watercolor medium through learned skills and experimentation. A $20 registration fee will be added to your total. Supply List: Art supplies can be found at your local Michaels Craft stores www.michaels.com or Blick Art Materials www.dickblick.comPAINT: a watercolor set of tubes, dry watercolor, or if preferred, gouache: including the following primaries: cadmium yellow, yellow ochre, cadmium red, and a variety of blues such as Cobalt, Cerulean, French ultra marine, and/or phthalo blue, green: viridian, and for brown: burnt sienna, raw sienna, alizarine, black, and white.Brushes: a variety of sizes, large and small rounds and a variety of flats-or your preference.Paper: two pads of watercolor paper, large and small. Canson, Arches and Strathmore are all good brands. Students should purchase more than one size pad.Other supplies: a watercolor palette for mixing colors, masking tape, pencils, erasers, and a flat sheet of cardboard to tape the watercolor paper on.